Saturday, March 26, 2011

can i get an amen?!

last night my sister took me to church
(via accessatlanta)

there was a revival, of sorts.
(via metromix)

the congregation was full of spirits. 

and jesus was (literally) everywhere. 

we drank cocktails at the altar of sister louisa. 

(via whatnowatlanta)

it was epic.

trust me on this. 

...but since we're still getting to know each other, there is also terribly shot photographic evidence.
(sorry peeps, i didn't lug the big ol canon out to the bar last night, mmmkay? a girl has to save room for lipgloss, lets get real.)

this was in the bathroom. in addition to hundreds of other pieces of art all over the walls of the bar by the man himself. or lady herself. whichevs.
(via metromix)

art, which includes but is not limited to:

a poodle sodomizing a lamb doing sheep yoga. 

...what? that's what I told my daughter they were doing when she asked. and i'm stickin to it, dammit.

there's nothing more humiliating hilarious than laughing this hard when you already have to pee. at least i was already in the loo.  

yes, this place is awesome to look at, doesn't take itself--or much else--too seriously, and has killer cocktails, but it was the vibe that took me most by surprise, and totally sealed the deal. 

it was, oddly, warm. friendly but cool. laid back but with enough of an atmosphere buzz that i didn't get embarrassed for yelling ("am i yelling?!" yes. the answer is yes.), laughing too loudly (which i do on occasion--so said an ex boyfriend), or making fanatical gesticulations (i'm a storyteller!). 
also it had a killer soundtrack. 
this place is, dare i say, rad.

could it be? 
i fit in??
these are my people??? 
not so fast. 
i did ask a young guy waiting for a drink at the bar if he's ever been mistaken for brian boitano. 

(via pieinthefaceblog)

turns out, he hasn't.
he was offended. 

(i meant like the b.b. of 20 years ago! not this guy!)

i was embarrassed. 
but that's my jam. i kinda live there. so its cool. 

*sidenote: in searching for these photos, i discovered not only how bendy b.b. is...

(via corbis images)

*(two thumbs up for the fancy mandex, white high tops w scrunchy socks, and complete lack 
of manscaping. awesome.)

...but also how many guys dress up as b.b. for halloween...?! (read: there are many.)

(image via runninglawyer)

anywho, back to the lesson at hand:

i had a blasty blast with my p.i.c., my big sis. 
she rocks hard.

she's way funnier than me, is currently kicking ass in nursing school, and is everything a big sister 
should be. and then some. 
oh, and she coined the term "baby buttons." "lady buttons." you figure it out.

i got some very much needed quality grown-up time. (i promise to fill you in on the 
why's & all that later!) 
gonna have to make it last. 

also: pretty sure edward furlong circa 
pet semetary 2 is a barback here.

i'll definitely be going back to sister louisa's church of the living room and ping pong emporium sometime very soon. i hear they have church organ karaoke on sunday nights, and you know i'm dying to give testimony! 

aaaaaaaaaand scene.

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