Wednesday, June 22, 2011

super secret supper club nyc

what do i love as much as, if not more, 
than acting?
(via a razor a shiny knife)
the gentlemen behind a razor a shiny knife had the forethought to combine the two.
as they say on their website, 
"a razor a shiny knife is an 
educational, social and theatrical 
culinary experience."

genius, boys. friggin genius.

if you haven't seen this already, its a MUST. 
on may first of this year, the aforementioned 
--along with a slew of fellow supper 
clubs, chefs, assistants et al.--
hosted an opulent, 6-course meal of haute cuisine for unsuspecting passengers 
on nyc's L train. 
one can only imagine the prep, timing, and skill that went into this endeavor. 
they elevated a meal from what can sometimes be a "religious experience" (for me at least)

to pure art.

have a go.

reason no. 48375001 
its amazing to live in new york.


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